Get education skills outside of school could be the right choice for students to pursue, especially for people who cannot continue their education to a higher level due to weak economic factors. Don’t despair, even if you cannot continue formal education, you can choose education outside of school as an alternative for you to achieve your dreams because education outside of school will not require as much money as formal education.

The following are the powers of taking education outside of school to hone your abilities and increase your skills as a means for you to compete in the world and to get education skills in a new perspective.

Community Development and Empowerment

Unlike formal education, acquiring education skills outside of school prepares you to become an expert in community development and empowerment. Instead of being a teacher in a formal educational institution, you will become a facilitator in a community empowerment program.

1. Very Wide Scope

If you take education outside of school, you have the opportunity to choose which section and what skills you want to explore. The scope is very broad and is not limited to just one institution, starting from tutoring institutions, and community empowerment institutions, to homeschooling.

2. Profitable Job Prospects

Not being tied to a formal institution means you have flexibility. You can decide for yourself or agree with the community regarding when and where you will study. You can also decide what you want to learn for the next meeting. Out-of-school education has advantages such as a flexible schedule, semi-private, you are taught until you can, free consultations, and if your abilities are considered above average you can find work and even be directly recruited as a tutor at the place where you study.

3. Pumping Self-Confidence and Self-Evaluation

Your experience while studying outside of school helps you to be more confident, thus forming a positive self-evaluation. For example, when you gain new knowledge after visiting a place, your brain memory will store a lot of knowledge, stories, experiences, and life values ​​which will influence your level of self-confidence. Moreover, you will mix with various types of people, with different ages and experiences.

4. Developing Interests and Talents

In formal education, the material contained in textbooks is taught according to the curriculum which contains theories. But in education outside of school you will be taught according to your interests and talents and of course, also adapted to what is currently needed in the work field. This is one of the important benefits of out-of-school education. Whether it’s a home, a hobby community, or a non-formal educational institution, you will be given a “space” to facilitate your interests and talents which are ready to be developed.

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5. Mastering Special Skills that Lead to Expertise

As mentioned at the beginning, life skills (self-abilities) are one of the assets for surviving in the wilderness of life. Life skills are not limited to daily living skills. But in this modern industrial era, it is necessary for someone to master a special skill that leads to expertise. Because job opportunities will open globally. If we will be left behind by developed countries.

6. Community-Related

Education outside of school is more related to the needs of the community, rather than prioritizing the needs of the organizers, because the educational program must prioritize the needs of the community or students, and the content of the educational program must be closely related to the world of work or business activities in society. With a match between education and the world of work, Out-of-School Education can provide relatively faster returns to students and graduates.

7. Flexible

Education outside of school is flexible, and this flexibility is characterized by, first, a variety of programs being the responsibility of many parties such as the government, individuals, and the private sector.

These are some of the power of outside school education. If you look more closely, there are many advantages that out-of-school education has, but these are the advantages in general or in general that are often seen or found. Get education skills outside your formal education is one of the good ways to seek knowledge from another point of view so that you will be able to achieve something that will be useful for your life.