Based on the information from The Education Life, an innovative learning model is an approach or learning method that uses creative new ways and prioritizes critical thinking, active involvement, and active participation of students in the learning process. This learning model aims to develop students’ ability to think independently, creatively, and innovatively so that they can generate new ideas, solve problems, and apply knowledge in real life.

Innovative Learning in Modern Education

This innovative learning model is different from traditional learning approaches which are more instructive, where the teacher acts as the main source of information and students are more passive in receiving knowledge. Innovative learning models involve students actively in the learning process, and in the education life such as group discussions, collaborative projects, experiments, simulations, and interactive multimedia.

Some examples of innovative learning models include cooperative learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, flipped classroom, and blended learning. These models emphasize student-centered learning, where they are the center of the learning process and the teacher acts as a facilitator, guide, and director.

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a learning model by gives assignments to smarter students in a small group whose results will be presented to other groups in the class. The group results are then studied and responded to so that an active and dynamic learning process occurs in the education life.

Cooperative learning is a form of constructivist learning. Constructivist learning is a learning technique that involves students actively building their knowledge by using knowledge that students already have.

This model is very good because informal communication between students makes students quickly understand the material being discussed. Students who are a little late in receiving the lesson material, with the explanation of their smarter friends, will find it easier to accept and understand the material being discussed, besides being trained to learn to listen to other people’s opinions.

Problem-Based Learning

Problem-based learning is a learning method that is centered on students by providing problems from the real world at the beginning of learning. is a learning model that requires students’ mental activity to understand a learning concept through situations and problems presented at the beginning of learning to train students to solve problems using a problem-solving approach.

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Project Based Learning

Project-based learning is a learning model that uses projects or activities as a learning tool to achieve competency in attitudes, knowledge, and skills for students. It’s an educational approach that utilizes problems as the initial step in gathering and synthesizing new knowledge through real-life experiential activities. This is done to help, encourage, and guide students to focus on cooperation by involving group work and helping students to focus on their development.

Project-based learning emphasizes student-centered learning when carrying out an in-depth investigation of a topic. Constructively, students explore or deepen their learning by taking a research-based approach to problems and questions that are meaningful, real, and relevant. This learning model can be applied when facilitators want to create an active learning environment and ask their students to focus deeply on their development.

Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry learning is a learning method that in principle invites students to actively ask questions and experiment independently during the learning process. In the inquiry learning model, students search for learning material independently. Students find out the material by asking questions and conducting research or studies independently.

The inquiry learning model is a learning activity that emphasizes the development of inquiry skills and thinking habits that enable students to continue their search for knowledge.

Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom is a learning model where students, before studying in class, study the material first at home according to the assignments given by the teacher. This method is also used by teachers when a student is absent from class for some reason. Teachers can make videos of what they are teaching and give them to those who are not in the class.

This model is also suitable in line with developments in science. This change in the learning model demands the preparation and readiness of teachers, educational personnel, and education authorities in crafting plans for learning implementation and educational materials that align with contemporary technological advancements.

Blended Learning

Blended learning is a combination of two main elements. These two elements are learning in class and online, or learning using the internet and website-based networks. Apart from that, several media technologies are applied. For example email, video streaming, virtual classes, and so on.

These are some of the innovative things that can be found in today’s modern world of education. In the education life, a learning model will show students everything they need to know and it will be one of the best things that they will experience.